Idioms and phrases A
- A B.C. (প্রাথমিকজিনিস-Primary Knowledge)- He does not know the A. B. C of politics.
- A bad apple (কোনোএকটা দলের সব ভালোর মধ্যে খারাপ বা মন্দটা-immoral/dishonest)- We should not condemn the whole system just because of one bad apple.
- A bed of roses (ফুলশয্যা/ সুখ–স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যপূর্ণজীবন)-Life is not a bed of roses./ Many people think that life is a bed of roses.
- A bed of thorns- (কন্টকময়জীবন) – Life is nothing but a bed of thorns.
- A bird’s eye view- (একনজর দেখা/ ভাসা ভাসা দৃষ্টি)- I took a bird’s eye view of the girl at the time of riding my bike in full speed.
- A black sheep (কুলঙ্গার)-There is a black sheep in our club.
- A bolt from the blue (বিনামেঘে বজ্রপাত/সম্পূর্ন অপ্রত্যাশিত-an unexpected calamity)-The news of his father's death came to him as a bolt from the blue.
- A bone of contention (ঝগড়া–বিবাদেরবিষয়-a matter of dispute)- Playing ‘Free Fire’ of the school boy is always a bone of contention for the whole family.
- A burning question (গুরুত্বপূর্ণবিষয়/আলোচিত বিষয়-Burning issue/ an important question)- Price hike is a burning question these days.
- A castle in the air– (অবাস্তবকল্পনা/ আকাশ কুসুম কল্পনা)- John Donne, a poet of love built castle in the air and wrote metaphysical poems.
- A cock and bull story (আজগবি/ আষাঢ়েগল্প a false story)- Nobody believes Zayed Khan’s cock and bull story.
- A dark horse (অপরিচিতকিন্তু মেধাবী বেক্তি-an unknown man surprising by his qualities, strange man)- I consider myself a dark horse on Facebook.
- A far cry (বিশালব্যাবধান-a long distance, very different from) – The movie is a far cry from the book. He's a far cry from the idealistic young writer he once was.
- A fish out of Water (অস্বস্তিকরঅবস্থা)- Her condition is just like a fish out of water.
- A fool’s Paradise (বোকারস্বর্গ)- Nobody lives in a fool’s paradise now.
- A great deal of (প্রচুরপরিমাণে)- This winter we had a great deal of cold so I'm glad spring is finally here.
- A hard nut to crack(কঠিন সমস্যা-difficult problem)- The food problem is a hard nut to crack.
- A lot of/lots of (প্রচুর–a large number or amount of things/people/ etc.)- There is a lot of/lots of money in my bag. [a lot of/ lots of সমর্থক হিসেবে ব্যাবহার করা যাবে]
- A man of letters (বিদ্বানব্যক্তি/পন্ডিত বেক্তি-an educated person whose work is highly respected)- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a man of letters.
- A man of parts (গুনীবেক্তি/ বিচক্ষণ বেক্তি-Expert)- William Shakespeare was a man of parts in writing plays.
- A man of straw (দুর্বলচিত্তের লোক-weak hearted person)- Kanchan Mallick was rejected from the beautiful girls because of being a man of straw. Finally he has succeeded to tame a belle. [Kanchan Mullick is an Indian Bengali film and television actor and politician.]
- A man of word (এককথার লোক– a man who keeps his word or promise at any cost)- Viru Sahastrabudhhe, a famous character of ‘3 Idiots’ movie is a man of word.
- A piece of cake (খুবইসহজ– very easy) – This assignment is a piece of cake.
- A rainy day (দুর্দিন)-Everybody should save something for rainy day.
- A round dozen (একডজন-A full dozen)- Give me a round dozen eggs
- A slow coach (অলস/ কর্মকুণ্ঠও মন্থর ব্যাক্ত) -Rocky is known as a slow coach to his friend circle.
- A trying time (কঠিনসময়)-Before final exam, the students are passing a trying time and some of them are crying.
- A verbose speech-(মাত্রাধিক রকম শব্দহুল্য/ বাগাড়ম্বর বক্তৃতা)-A verbose speech is not fruitful to all.
- A Vicious circle (দুষ্টচক্র)- She can't see any way to break out of this vicious circle.
- A white lie (ছোটমিথ্যা -Slight lie/ a small and harmless lie)- The boy told a white lie to get rid of punishment.
- Above all (প্রধানত/সর্বপরি/মোটের ওপর –more than anything else)-Rabindranath is, above all, a cosmopolitan personality. / He is, above all, a poet.
- Above board (সংশয়হীনভাবে নির্দোষ/অকপটে-beyond doubt) – His activities are open and above board./ His dealings are open and above board.
- According to (অনুসারে)-I shall do this work according to your advice.
- Achilles’s heel (দুর্বলতাবা ত্রুটি– weak point) -He is trying to hide but everybody knows his Achilles' heel.
- Acid test (অগ্নিপরীক্ষা– a test whose finding is beyond doubt or dispute)- This exam is an acid test for me.
- After all (মোটেরউপর/ সবকিছু সত্ত্বেও/পরিশেষে-in the end/ Finally)- He is, after all, an honest man./ After all, he is a patriot.
- Again and again (বারবার)- He warned me again and again.
- All and sundry (everyone/one and all-সবাই) :I made tea for all and sundry at the office. He was well known to all and sundry.
- All at once (হঠাৎ-suddenly)-All at once the crazy man shouted to the top of his voice.
- All but (প্রায়-nearly/almost) The work is all but finished.
- All in (পরিশ্রান্ত/ক্লান্ত-tired/exhausted)- I was all in after the meeting.
- All in all (সর্বেসর্বা-supreme)– He is all in all in the class.
- All on (of) a sudden (হঠাৎ– suddenly, by chance)- All on (of) a sudden, he went to Bogra.
- All over (সর্বত্র)-The dog is found all over the world.
- All the same (একইকথা-The same result)- It is all the same whether you go or not.
- All the while (সর্বক্ষণ)- All the while he was with me.
- An open secret (উন্মুক্তরহস্য/গোপন অথচ জানা বিষয়-)- He is addicted to drinking is an open secret.
- Apple of discord (বিবাদেরবিষয়-bone of contention, matter of dispute)- The plot of the land is the apple of discord between the two brothers.
- Apple of one’s eye(চোখের মনি / নযনের মনি/ প্রিয়-one’s favorite person or thing)- His youngest daughter was the apple of his eye.
- As a matter of fact (In addition to-প্রকৃতপক্ষে)-I had a cup of tea with her yesterday, as a matter of fact.
- As a rule (নিয়মঅনুসারে)- As a rule, she kept silent in the meeting.
- As for (সম্বন্ধে-about)-As for myself, I am innocent.
- As if (যেন)-He behaves as if he were the owner of the house.
- As it were (যেন)-The moon is as it were a dish of gold. / The sun is, as it were , the lamp of the universe.
- As regards (সম্বন্ধে-about)- He knows nothing as regards this occurrence.
- As though (যেন)-He behave as though he were the owner of the house.
- As usual (যথারীতি-as it commonly happens)- He arrived at school at 8 a.m as usual.
- At a deadlock (অচলাবস্থা/ পুরোপুরিঅচল অবস্থা)-completely stopped condition)- The law is at a deadlock now.
- At a loss (puzzled/confused/ at one’s wit’s end-হতবাক/হতবুদ্ধি/কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়)- He was at a loss to fix the deal./ He was at his wit’s end to fix the deal.
- At a low ebb-(নিন্মমুখী/ হ্রাসপাওয়া-declining)- His honesty is at a low ebb now.
- At a stretch (একটানা-Without break)-I can walk five miles at a stretch.
- At a snail’s pace- (খুবধীর গতিতে-very slowly)- The members of ‘English Language & Literature’ grew at a snail's pace in the first three months of this year.
- At all (আদৌ)-I do not like him at all.
- At all costs (যতইক্ষতি হউক না কেন)- I shall help you at all costs.
- At all events (যাহাইহোক না কেন)- He will stand by me at all events.
- At any cost (যেকোন প্রকারে)- He must help me at any cost.
- At bay (in a tight corner-কোনঠাসা)- With fifteen thousand men I held the enemy at bay for thirty-five hours and beat him.
- At best (বেশীরপক্ষে-at the best/ maximum returns or opportunity)- I can give you ten takes at best.
- At daggers drawn (শত্রুভাবাপন্ন-at enmity)-The two brothers are at daggers drawn with each other.
- At dead of night (গভীররাতে)- The boy came home at dead of night.
- At ease (শান্তিতেবা আরামে)- A man who has enemies cannot live at ease.
- At every step (প্রতিপদক্ষেপে)- He disturbed me at every Step.
- At home in (দক্ষ-skilled/expert)-He is at home in Algebra.
- At large (স্বাধীনভাবে– free)-Birds fly at large in the sky.
- At last (অবশেষে-in the long run)-He tried hard, and at last succeeded in life.
- At least (কমপক্ষে– at the lowest)-He is the owner of thirty lakh rupees at least.
- At length (দীর্ঘদিনপরে/অবশেষে– at the end)- At length, he did the work.
- At one’s wit’s end-(হতবাক/হতবুদ্ধি/ কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়– puzzled, to be perplexed, confused) – I am at my wit’s end what to do.
- At one’s finger-ends (নখদর্পণে/ আয়ত্তে)-be thoroughly familiar with- Every solution should be at one's finger's end.
- At random- (এলোমেলোভাবে– At sixes and sevens/in disorder/ completely disorganization). The books were at sixes and sevens on the table.
- At stake (বিপদে/ বিপদ/ in danger) Hero Alam was at stake during election.
- At the eleventh hour(শেষ সময়ে-at the last moment)- He reached the station at the eleventh hour.
- At the point of/ on the verge of (পর্যায়ে/খুবকাছে বা নিকটে-very near)- He is at the point of death.
- At times (মাঝেমাঝে/ মাঝেমধ্যে-occasionally/now and then)- He at times comes here.
- At the outset (at the beginning-শুরুতেই/গোড়াতেই), At the outset he made a mistake.